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Virtual Reality is a technology allowing users to be immersed in an interactive virtual environment. To do this, different technologies can be used : virtual reality helmets or dedicated spaces equipped with screens which display a 3D environment, such as  Immersia room, at IRISA.


The environment where the user is immersed is totally virtual : it can be either a replica of a real one or a totally created space. The aim is to have the best immersion possible stimulating the maximum of user's senses.  Most used senses are usually sight, hearing and touch.




Our application uses a Warcq's tomb 3D model, an archaeological site discovered in 2014 during the A304 highway works. The tomb measures 5.50m by 2.80m. The application allows archeologists to visualize it using the virtual reality helmet HTC Vive.


In this application, the user can move walking as in real life or teleporting himself thanks to one of the controllers. It also can grab objects and move them, zoom on something in the scene and use different tools such as a ruler, a cutting plane or a trowel to remove dirt from objects. In the next version, our application will contain a new tool : user will be able to take notes thanks to a voice recognition system.




To develop our application, we use different tools :

- the virtual reality helmet HTC Vive,

- Logitech speakers

- Unity3D the game engine,

- #SEVEN scenario engine, developped by l'IRISA/INRIA Rennes,

- #FIVE relation engine, developped by l'IRISA/INRIA Rennes.






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